Assessing Remote Learning

Formative Assessment:

This will be carried out as part of live lessons in the following forms:

  • Using hands up responses from the children
  • Using mini whiteboards to view responses - these have been provided upon request
  • Using the chat function on Google Meet

Teachers will also carry out formative assessment based on the work submitted on Google Classroom. They will use this to adapt the learning the following day or week.

Other ongoing assessment:

Teachers use Google quizzes to assess the level of understanding during lessons, after lessons and at other periods in a sequence of learning. Children can respond to quizzes and teachers can then analyse answers to inform lessons and progress made.

Using assessment to assess progress over time:

In addition to ongoing assessment, we have devised some further assessment activities to assess children's progress over the course of a term.


Children will complete a Star Reader test at the end of each term which will provide a reading age. This will then be tracked to judge progress. 

Teachers will upload a comprehension test at the end of each term for the children to complete. Where possible, teachers will set electronic tests on one of the available platforms to allow for easy access, submission and tracking.


At the end of each term, teachers will set an extended writing task for all of the children to complete and submit. Teachers will then use the school writing assessment and moderation processes to make judgements about the quality of writing against age-related criteria.


Teachers will set assessment tasks at the end of each unit of work, inlcuding arithnmetic/mental maths. 

Teachers will also set a maths assessment task or test, based on the coverage of concepts. They will use platforms such as Test Base and White Rose to formulate these tests. Where possible, the school will use formal tests such as NTS to provide a standardised score which will then be tracked to judge progress.

Wider curriculum subjects:

Teachers will set end of unit quizzes for the children to complete. From term 4, they will also set the same quiz at the beginning of the unit of work so that progress over time can be judged.