Attendance and Punctuality
Children at Horizon Primary Academy come to school every day.
At Horizon, we have created a culture where every child and family understands the importance of attendance.
We are aspirational with school attendance, setting the expectation significantly above National Averages at 96% and have a target of 97% for the academic year.
As a school we use a careful balance of support, challenge, competition and celebration to achieve the best attendance possible.
Our Latest Attendance Celebration at Parents Evening
Our attendance at Horizon continues to shine - at Horizon, every day really does matter!
Click here to view the current attendance challenge.
Is your child a lucky golden ticket recipient?
Our Attendance Ambassadors
Their roles include keeping track of daily and weekly attendance for their class; rewarding children for good attendance and liaising with the school attendance officer, Mrs Harman.
To support other TKAT schools with improving their attendance, our amazing attendance ambassadors showcased the incredible work they do to ensure our attendance is exceptional.
Our Christmas Attendance Competition