Our Commitment to Anti-Bullying

Welcome to Horizon Primary Academy’s anti-bullying information section for parents and carers. Here we hope that you can find information on what to do if you:

  • Are concerned that your child may be vulnerable to bullying at school.
  • Are worried that your child might be being bullied.
  • Are aware that your child is being bullied.
  • Think or know that your child is bullying others.
  • Learn about the schools approach to behaviour and anti-bullying through reading our policies.

At Horizon Primary academy we recognise as a school community that bullying is the repetitive, intentional hurting of one person or group by another person or group where the relationship involves an imbalance of power. Bullying is not ‘falling out’, ‘arguing’, ‘choosing to play with another child’, ‘frequent falling out between friends’, ‘disagreements about the rules in games’ or one off incidents between children.

What should I do if I have a concern?

  • Before you approach the school, find a quiet time to speak to your child calmly about what they think has happened. Avoid interpreting the situation for them. List all the facts: what happened, who was involved, when it occurred, who witnessed it, anything your child did that may have provoked the incident, whether it was a one-off or series of events.
  • Be clear of your own understanding of bullying- think carefully of the described incident and work out whether or not it is bullying.
  • Don’t arrive at the school unexpectedly: Make an appointment with a member of staff.
  • Aim to work together with the school and make it clear that you are seeking the school's help in finding a solution.
  • Avoid accusing the school: Remember that teachers are usually the last to find out that bullying is happening at school. The sequence is "friends first, then parents, lastly schools".
  • Be patient: Allow the school time to deal with the problem.

What do we do as a school to promote anti-bullying?

  • Safe spaces within the school.
  • Nurture Room (Nest) and Breathing Space available at lunchtimes for children where appropriate.
  • Playground divided into zones to support behaviour management at playtimes. Each zone has a different activity ranging from sports to quiet/safe zones which children can access.
  • New and effective system CPOMMS which records both positive and negative behaviour across the school for individuals and tracks and identifies any patterns.
  • Fulltime wellbeing coordinator available to support teaching staff where wellbeing issues occur with children.
  • Peer Mentor System.
  • Anti-Bullying Assembly
  • Wellbeing interventions


What is cyberbullying? It is any form of bullying that is carried out through the use of electronic media devices, such as computers, laptops, smartphones, tablets of gaming consoles. It is your responsibility as a parent to monitor children’s use of these devices at home and decide on the appropriateness and the use of them. As a school through e-safety lessons we educate children on the appropriate use of devices but together with your support we can educate our children more effectively.

Useful Links:



