Curriculum Ethos

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At Horizon Primary Academy we believe that every child can achieve and become exceptional learners. Our curriculum is therefore designed to work in conjunction with our teaching and learning model and curriculum intent aims to ensure that all of the children are successful on the journey towards exceptional.

Horizon Primary Academy is built on the philosophy that everyone is always kind, always ready to learn and always tries their best and the curriculum is therefore underpinned by this philsophy too. 

Through the curriculum, we aim to build on the aspirations from families and the community and develop these further to ensure that a mindset is cultivated across the school community where children fundamentally believe that they can achieve anything, exceed their potential and learn without limits.

At Horizon Primary Academy, we believe that it is vital that, in today’s current society, everyone is a passionate and committed global citizen, understanding the challenges that face the world today and in the future to ensure that we all contribute to making the difference that is needed for sustainability. Integral to our curriculum is a strong focus on enquiry and discussion of issues, providing children with the skills to tackle big questions at school and in the future.

With a strong sense of local community, we feel it important to enhance the impact of this and to continue to broaden children’s horizons, raising their awareness of their place in London, the United Kingdom and worldwide.

We passionately believe that language and vocabulary are vital tools for success at school and in future learning and employment. Through our curriculum, we therefore actively develop, promote and embed the use of language through the development of subject-specific vocabulary and ensure that discussion and collaborative learning are a key part of our curriculum approach. 

At Horizon Primary Academy, we understand and actively engage with the diverse community in which we live and are committed to ensuring that children acquire a strong understanding about difference and respect as well as a depth of knowledge about the significant contribution made by people from across the diverse makeup of society throughout history and today.

At Horizon Primary Academy it is our unrelenting aim to ensure that we continually build our exceptional learning community and, through our curriculum, strive to ensure that all members of the school aim high, spread their wings and learn without limits, creating passionate learners who want to make a difference in the world they live in today and in the future.

For more information about the curriculum or for alternative forms of the curriculum information on the website, please contact the school via and make a request for more information FAO Mrs Wright, the curriculum leader.