
Page Documents Date Category  
Accessibility Policy and Plan 02nd Jul 2024 Policies Download
Admissions policy 2023 16th Apr 2024 Policies Download
Admissions Policy 2025-26 16th Oct 2023 Policies Download
Admissions Policy September 2024 28th Feb 2023 Policies Download
Anti bullying strategy 23rd Sep 2022 Policies Download
Anti-Bullying Policy 18th Jul 2023 Policies Download
Attendance Policy TKAT wef 31.01.23 01st Mar 2023 Policies Download
Bad Debt Policy 08th Sep 2022 Policies Download
Behaviour Policy 25th Apr 2024 Policies Download
Children With Needs Who Cannot Attend School Policy 18th Jul 2023 Policies Download
Complaints Policy Academy Mar 23 27th Mar 2023 Policies Download
Data Protection Policy V1.1 27th Sep 2018 Policies Download
Educational Visits Policy 18th Jul 2023 Policies Download
Equality Policy 08th Sep 2022 Policies Download
External Visitors Policy 17th Jul 2023 Policies Download
First Aid Policy April 2024 16th Apr 2024 Policies Download
Home School Agreement 01st Oct 2018 Policies Download
Horizon Primary Academy Safeguarding Policy 2023 2024 Albanian 12th Sep 2023 Policies Download
Keeping children safe in education 2023 part one 14th Aug 2023 Policies Download
Lockdown Policy 18th Jul 2023 Policies Download
Looked After Children Policy 18th Jul 2023 Policies Download
Low Level Concerns Policy 20th Jul 2023 Policies Download
Medical Needs Policy 02nd Jul 2024 Policies Download
Missing child policy 11th Nov 2022 Policies Download
Online Safety Policy 01st Sep 2023 Policies Download
Positive Handling Policy 05th Jul 2023 Policies Download
Positive Handling Policy 29th Jan 2021 Policies Download
PSHE, Including RSE Policy 18th Jul 2023 Policies Download
Remote Learning Policy 20th Jul 2023 Policies Download
Safeguarding and Child Protection Policy 01st Sep 2023 Policies Download
SEND Information Sheet 23-24 20th Jul 2023 Policies Download
SEND Policy 24th Mar 2023 Policies Download
Teaching and Learning Policy 08th Sep 2022 Policies Download
TKAT Charging and Remissions Policy 2021 1 08th Feb 2023 Policies Download
TKAT Remote learning policy Jan 2023 08th Feb 2023 Policies Download
TKAT Scheme of Delegation 2021 15th Oct 2021 Policies Download
TKAT Whistleblowing Policy Nov 23 16th Apr 2024 Policies Download
Translated copy of Horizon Primary Academy Safeguarding Policy 2023 2024 Arabic 11th Sep 2023 Policies Download
Translated copy of Horizon Primary Academy Safeguarding Policy 2023 2024 Bengali 12th Sep 2023 Policies Download
Translated copy of Horizon Primary Academy Safeguarding Policy 2023 2024 Bulgarian 12th Sep 2023 Policies Download
Translated copy of Horizon Primary Academy Safeguarding Policy 2023 2024 French 12th Sep 2023 Policies Download
Translated copy of Horizon Primary Academy Safeguarding Policy 2023 2024 Gujarati 11th Sep 2023 Policies Download
Translated copy of Horizon Primary Academy Safeguarding Policy 2023 2024 Lithuanian 12th Sep 2023 Policies Download
Translated copy of Horizon Primary Academy Safeguarding Policy 2023 2024 Nepali 12th Sep 2023 Policies Download
Translated copy of Horizon Primary Academy Safeguarding Policy 2023 2024 Portuguese 12th Sep 2023 Policies Download
Translated copy of Horizon Primary Academy Safeguarding Policy 2023 2024 Punjabi 12th Sep 2023 Policies Download
Translated copy of Horizon Primary Academy Safeguarding Policy 2023 2024 Punjabi 12th Sep 2023 Policies Download
Translated copy of Horizon Primary Academy Safeguarding Policy 2023 2024 Romanian 12th Sep 2023 Policies Download
Translated copy of Horizon Primary Academy Safeguarding Policy 2023 2024 Russian 12th Sep 2023 Policies Download
Translated copy of Horizon Primary Academy Safeguarding Policy 2023 2024 Spanish 12th Sep 2023 Policies Download
Translated copy of Horizon Primary Academy Safeguarding Policy 2023 2024 Tamil 12th Sep 2023 Policies Download
Translated copy of Horizon Primary Academy Safeguarding Policy 2023 2024 Turkish 12th Sep 2023 Policies Download
Translated copy of Horizon Primary Academy Safeguarding Policy 2023 2024 Ukrainian 12th Sep 2023 Policies Download
Translated copy of Horizon Primary Academy Safeguarding Policy 2023 2024 Urdu 12th Sep 2023 Policies Download
Translated Copy of Horizon Primary Academy Safeguarding Policy 2023 2024 Yoruba 12th Sep 2023 Policies Download
Uniform policy 2022 23rd Mar 2023 Policies Download