RSE/PSHE Policy Parent Consultation

At Horizon Primary Academy we like to review the provision of PSHE, including Relationships, Health and Sex Education, annually. We have therefore reviewed our approach to the delivery of Relationships and Sex Education (RSE), now deemed a compulsory feature of all school curriculums. This means that we have jointly discussed the RSE curriculum and Policy so we can be sure that RSE provision is appropriate for our children, based on their:

  • Age
  • Physical and emotional maturity
  • Religious and cultural backgrounds
  • Special educational needs and disabilities

It is important for us as a school and trust to ensure that we have included all stakeholders in the development of this policy and approaches. We will, therefore begin an annual period of consultation with parents, with opportunities to comment on the policy and practice and to learn more about the areas that schools will address when delivering the RSE strand of PSHE.

The consultation will be on the new draft RSE policy, which is attached to this letter, for parents and carers to review. We ask you to send any comments you have on this policy and the overview of the proposed curriculum included in it, to Alternatively, you can complete a quick and simple response form here: ( This will then be forwarded to the senior leadership team, who are responsible for this policy.

The window of consultation will open on Thursday 7th September and close of Friday 29th September 2023.