Reading Schemes at Horizon

Reading Schemes at Horizon

Reading is a fundamental part of life at Horizon Primary Academy and the reading schemes that we use form a key part of this. 

At Horizon we use a number of reading schemes throughout the school to ensure that children develop the key reading skills in a progressive programme and develop a love of reading as they grow and develop as readers across the key stages.

Read, Write, Inc.

This is used in correlation with the phonics programme and is a phonics-based reading programme used in Reception and early in Year 1.

In reception and Year 1, we also send home book bags, which include Read, Write, Inc books, another reading book for the child to read and a book for the parents to read with their child.

Oxford Reading Tree

This is used in Early Years and Key Stage 1 to supplement Read, Write, Inc and to focus on the early stages of reading. 

Accelerate Reader

This is used in Year 2 and Key Stage 2. It is a staged programme, using high quality texts from recognised authors to engage the children and develop a love of reading. To accompany the reading, there are a number on online quizzes to develop and assess the children's comprehension skills. 

Teachers and leaders can carefully track the number of books and words that the children read and do so on a bi-weekly basis, allowing us to target the children that need to read more or increase progress with their reading skills.

Children earn certificates for the number of words they read and strive to become word millionaires, earning themselves, certificates and a prize of a Kindle to read even more at home.

Reading millionaire photo


As part of the Accelerated Reader programme, children can access MYON, a rich soure of ebooks, from home. Reading these books is recorded with Accelerated Reader and contributes to word counts.