DT Curriculum Highlights

Take a look at this page to view some of the learning outcomes from DT, an outstanding subject at Horizon Primary Academy.

Highlights from the incredible DT construction projects this term...


Y5 mechanical windmills. The children designed moving windmills and constructed these using wooden frames with cross braces. They applied their knowlege of circuits as well as pulley systems to move the blades.

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Y4 cam toys. The children designed moving cam toys. They deeloped their cutting and measuring skills as well as their knowledge of structure and joining materials to build a structure. They then learned about how cams make objects move and applied this to their designs.

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Y3 moving story book pages. The children learn how to make parts of a story page move by using levers. They learnt about a range of levers and mechanisms and chose which one would make parts of their page move. They applied this to the story Krindlekrax, which they were studying in their English lessons.

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Y2 moving vehicles. THe children developed their measuring and cutting skills. The then developed their knowledge of joining techniques as well as how wheels move with a moving axle and fixed wheels.

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All classes produced exceptional DT textile projects in the summer term. The children developed their progressive knowledge within the concepts of structure and function and purpose as they followed the design cycle.


Y1 hand puppets. The children designed and made hand puppets. They learnt how to mark and cut and to join textiles using fabric glue.

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Y2 pouches. The children designed and made pouches using binka. They learnt how to measure and cut accurately and to use running stitch to join materials together.

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Y3 Cushions. The children designed and made cushions using a range of fabrics. They refined their measuring, marking and cutting skills and learnt how to use back stictch to create strong joins, before stuffing their cushions.

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Y4 Pencil Cases. Year 4 designed and made pencil cases. They applied their knowledg of back stitch and marked, measured and cut with precision. They also learnt how to use a zip as a fastener as part of their structure.

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Y5 Stuffed Toys. The children designed and made stuffed toys for young children. They used templates and refined their measuring skills. They used blanket stitch to join 2 thicker materials.

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Year 6 Tapestry Keyrings. The children designed and made keyrings using a range of stiches. They used some stiches to join materials together, and others to add decoration. All of this was done with precision.

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Food Technology in Year 4. The children developed their knowledge within the concept of nutrition as they developed the disciplinary knowledge of cooking within their food technology learning unit.

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Display showing the progression of the DT key concepts through textiles and construction from reception to Y6:

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Year 5 Food Technology Learning

The children applied their knowledge within the concepts of function and nutrition to design and make savoury muffins.

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Year 4 Food Technology Learning

The children applied their learning within the concepts of function and purpose and nutrition to design, make and evaluate their delicious pizzas.

Y4 pizzas