David Moss



I am incredibly proud to be the headteacher of Horizon Primary Academy. Every day, I make it my aim to build an exceptional learning community and to ensure that each and every child at the school has a safe, nurturing and enriching learning experience at school. For me, everything is about the children; my passion lies with making a difference to every young life and ensuring that the school is key in ensuring very bright futures for every individual. 

I aim to build confidence, reslience and aspiration in the children so that they know they can achieve anything; that they take pride in being the best that they can be and aim high, spread their wings and learn without limits.

I am also passionate about developing staff to ensure that they become the best that they can be and can offer the highest quality education, support and care possible each and every day, building on their dedication and desire to give their all for the children: your children; our children.